Danielle Kirk’s 618 Restaurant cocktail 

I’ll Be Right Back Cocktail 

2 ozs Mezcal

3/4 oz basil and kumquat simple syrup

1/2 oz fresh lime juice

Muddle two kumquats,  shake with ice,

Pour into a basil salt rimmed  glass.

Garnish with a sprig of basil & lime.

Guyanagirl is Back….In The Heat Of Summer

Hello Everyone,

After a long break from writing, I have been asked to Re-launch this site, thank you to the readers who requested the return of “Guyanagirl”. We will start to branch out with branding the name,  marketing products, and crossing over to other web sites. Summer is here and everyone is out and about in the streets of different ” Cities,” so I will be looking for my favorite places to “Shop, Eat and Visit”. If you have any cute places you know about in your city or town, please drop me a line and I would love to do a feature story based on your reviews. Thanks again for supporting “Guyanagirl- Online Magazine”.

The Law Of Success……using the power of spirit

2145293827bd31d8Paramahansa Yogananda (1893-1952) is widely regarded as one of the preeminent spiritual figures of our time. Born in northern India, he came to the United States in 1920. Over the next three decades he contributed in far-reaching ways to a greater awareness and appreciation in the West of the perennial wisdom of the East-through his writings, extensive lecture tours, and the creation of numerous Self-realization Fellowship temples and meditation centers. His acclaimed life story, Autobiography of a Yogi, as well as his numerous other books and his comprehensive series of lessons for home study, have introduced millions to India’s ancient science of meditation and methods of attaining balanced well-being of body, mind and soul. Under the guidance of one of his earliest and closest disciples, Sri Daya Mata, his spiritual and humanitarian work is carried on today by Self-Realization Fellowship, the international society he founded in 1920 to disseminate his teachings worldwide.

Is there a power that can reveal hidden veins of riches and uncover treasures of which we never dreamed? Is there a force that we can call upon to give health, happiness, and spiritual enlightenment? The saints and sages of India teach that there is such a power. They have demonstrated the efficacy of truth principles that will work for you, too, if you can give them a fair trial.

Your success in life does not altogether depend on ability and training; it also depends on your determination to grasp opportunities that are presented to you. Opportunities in life come  by creation, not by chance. You yourself, either now or in the past (including the past of former lives), have created all opportunities that arise in your path. since you have earned them, use them to the best advantage.

If you use all available outward means, as well as your natural abilities, to overcome every obstacle in your path, you will thus develop the powers that God gave you–unlimited powers that flow from the innermost forces of your being. You possess the power of thought and the power of will. Utilize to the uttermost these divine gifts!

You alone are responsible for yourself. No one else may answer for your deeds when the final reckoning comes. Your work in the world–in the sphere where your karma, your own past activity, has placed you–can be performed only by one person–yourself. And your work can be called a ‘success’ only when in some way it serves your fellowman.

Karma…..doing things with a kind heart

CALMQ0L0CATXLJE9CA6IFMZOCAOYTZOECAE5VPLNCA17S3AYCAVFJW53CA3RT217CA5I90H9CA1SK56TCAPU8CE6CA4DX7P9CASQIOSYCAXC0VQ3CA7K54RBCAPROK3BCA7THY1ICAQNZDH3CAWMFUL4I hope everyone had a very happy “Diwali”. Today I decided to write about the meaning of “Karma”. For the past week I have thought about this word, and decided to research the meaning for others to really understand it from the hindu point of view.

Karma, in the indian religion means “deed” or “act” and more broadly names the Universal principle of cause and effect, action and reaction that governs all life. Most people will say “What goes around must come back around”. Meaning what we do today either good or bad will be met again and we must be prepared for our actions in the world.

One of the first and most dramatic illustrations of Karma can be found in the Bhagavad Gita. In this poem, Arjuna the protagonist is preparing for battle when he realizes that the enemy consists of members of his own family and decides not to fight. His charioteer Krishna (an avatar of god) explains to Arjuna the concept of dharma (duty) among other things and makes him see that it is his duty to fight. The whole of the Bhagavada Gita within the Mahabharata, is a dialogue between these two on aspects of life, including morality and a host of other philosophical themes. The original Hindu concept of Karma was later enhanced by several other movements within the religion most notably Vedenta and Tantra.

According to Paramhans Swami Mahesh Warrananda, we produce Karma in four ways:

* Through Thoughts

*Through Words

*Through actions that we perform ourselves

*Through actions others do under our instructions

Everything that we have ever thought, spoken, done or caused is Karma; as is also that which we think, speak or do this very moment. After death we lose Kriya Shakti (ability to act) and do Karma. Actions performed consciously are weighted more heavily than those done unconsciously. But just as poison affects us if taken unknowingly suffering caused unintentionally will also give appropriate Karmic effect. We are in position to do something about our destiny by doing the right thing at the right time. Through positive actions, pure thoughts, prayer, mantra and meditation, we can resolve the influence of the Karma in present life and turn the destiny for the better. A spiritual master knowing the sequence in which our Karma will bear fruit, can help us. As humans we have the opportunity to speed up our spiritual progress with practice of good karma. We produce negative karma because we lack knowledge and clarity.

Sri Tulsidas said: “Our destiny was shaped long before the body came into being”.

Karma is also considered to be spiritually originated law. Many Hindus see God’s direct involvement in this process, while others consider the natural laws of causation sufficient to explain the effects of Karma. A good summary of this theistic view of Karma is expressed by the following “God does not make one suffer for no reason nor does he make one happy for no reason. God is very fair and gives you exactly what you deserve. “Karma is not punishment or retribution but simply an extended expression or consequence of natural acts.

The effects experienced are also able to be mitigated by actions and are not necessarily fated. Karma is not fate, for humans act with free will creating their own destiny. According to the Vedas, if we sow goodness, we will reap goodness; if we sow evil, we will reap evil. Karma refers to the totality of our actions and their concomitant reactions in this and previous lives, all of which determines our future.

I hope all of you really try to understand that the Universe works in a way that we will never really understand and what we do creates our own free will of choices that in turns creates destiny. We all have the power to open new doors and live the kind of life that will bring us happiness. Everyone of us have made mistakes, we have learned that we can solve some of our own problems. But today is a new day to begin a new chapter in our lives, to appreciate all we have and  understand that the road  has probably never been the easiest journey and may have caused us to feel pain. We may have been through situations that pressured us to feel anger and make wrong decisions but we cannot erase the problems of the past. We must know that we still have a chance to be the kind of person that does not hurt other people or hurt even our own selves. Life is very short and when you think about it we are just here for our own spiritual development. We do not own our families and friends, we do not even own our children. We are all souls of light, experiencing this lifetime together on one planet, so in conclusion I say “try to make today a new journey for your soul” at the end of our time we will be much more peaceful  knowing that all the things you did while you were alive made a difference in the world and the journey back home will be one that has the greatest memories and the foundation for the next lifetime.

Karma is something that goes from lifetime to lifetime,  we have a new opportunity to treat ourselves and the people around us with kindness. Have a good heart, forgive the people who have hurt you and move on to a new way of life. The days are coming really fast and children are growing up, parents are getting older and the one thing I have learned is we really have to find what we are here to do as well as try to make the world a better place.

Sharon XOXO

DIWALI……Festival of Lights..October 17th (Saturday)

6a87570f9d4bc23aDiwali…..meaning the “Festival of Lights” is celebrated generally during the months of October and November. It is centered around the new moon. On the morning of Diwali, the house is cleaned, and scented with sweet smelling incense and decorated with colorful flowers, and hand painted Diyas. Many families start the day cooking and preparing sweets before the evening puja.

Most families wear new clothing, and gather around to perform prayers at sundown. The Diyas are lit up and placed all around the home, sweets are shared with family and friends. In Hinduism, and across many parts of India and Nepal, it is celebrated as the homecoming of Lord Rama, after a 14 year exile in the forest, and victory over Ravana. In the legend, the people of Ayodhya (The capital of his Kingdom) welcomed Rama by lighting rows of small lamps (Diyas) to show him the right path. Today the diyas are lit outside and inside of the homes, bringing blessings to all those who celebrate and acknowledge Diwali.

mid_diwali Diwali, is not only known as the “Festival of Lights”, but also the spiritual meaning “The awareness of the inner light”. The knowing of which outshines all darkness (removes all obstacles and all ignorance). Awakening the individual to one’s true nature, not as the body but as the unchanging, infinite and transcendent reality. With the realization of the Atman comes universal compassion, love and the awareness of the oneness of all things (higher knowledge) This brings Ananda (inner joy or peace).


Lakshmi Puja

Diwali, makes the end of the harvest season. Traditionally this marks the closing of accounts for businesses and the last major celebration before the winter season begins. The deity of “Mother Lakshmi” symbolizes wealth and prosperity, and her blessings are invoked for a good year ahead. Mother Lakshmi, on this day blesses you with mental, physical and material well being. Lakshmi enters the universe bringing all great things to the world, but most important she carries “Shakti” divine energy. Mother Lakshmi puja, is one that is most powerful on holidays like “Diwali.

Diwali is celebrated in various parts of the world, in countries such as the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Suriname, Canada, Guyana, Kenya, Mauritius, Fiji, Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, Singapore, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Tanzania, Trinidad & Tobago, Jamaica, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, Australia, much of Africa, and the United States.

In 2009, Diwali will be celebrated this Saturday, October 17th……….

Guyana Girl is Back…….Just in Time For “Fall”

autumn-leaves-CU09_vl-verticalHi everyone!!! sorry it took me so many months to start writing again. I had to take a break since I left “California” and returned back to the East Coast. I am so glad to be home in “New Jersey” and of course the month of October, is one of the best since the crisp air is bringing signs of the seasons changing. I love the “Fall” and of course next week is our celebration of  the Indian holiday “Diwali”…..

I hope all of you will return back to reading “Guyanagirl”. Since I last checked we have had over 4,000 views from people all over the world. I am so happy to be bringing you more stories, more recipes and soon interviews on some great new talent from “Guyana” and “Trinidad”.

Make sure all of you go out and enjoy the changing of the leaves, it is so beautiful and reminds you that only God could have created such vibrant, amazing, breathtaking scenery on planet earth. It is a time to just enjoy the simple things that don’t require money or big spending. Just value the days of spending time outside and enjoying family and friends. My daughter “Christi” and I just spent the day hopping on a boat ride and crossing  the Hudson river, over to “New York City”. We walked all over and enjoyed one of the many street fairs in the city, there are great apple picking, pumpkin picking and fun things to do in all of the cities and small towns during this time of year and since Halloween, is also upon us  the kids are getting ready to have some real fun with their friends at school.

We had the best time and decided we really loved being back home, we miss you guys out there in Los Angeles!! but we will see you next year when we go back to visit. Thank you to all of my friends and family, for supporting the blog and we will be coming together to bring more wonderful stories from all over the world. Don’t forget to buy your Diyas, for Diwali celebrations and have fun in the week coming up.


Guyana & Trinidad….The Hindu Wedding of Mr. & Mrs. Rampersadsingh

This is our Uncle “Lenny”……with Lincoln & Diana…..on the wedding daypict16771

2323232327ffp43343b3enu3d32473e5343e243b3ewsnrcg3d323443a743c273b8nu0mrjWhat a wonderful wedding weekend in beautiful Florida, for my cousin “Diana Persaud”. It was an event that she has been planning for a very long time. Love comes when we don’t go looking for it or expect it. For Diana, it came out of the blue and her days of wondering what all young girls think of “Whom will I marry, and who will become my husband” are finally over! I guess the God’s finally said walk this way and make a right into the mechanic shop, and the prince of your dreams  will be standing there ready to work on your car. It always seems that the road we travel each day is the same old routine but sometimes an unexpected turn of events can change our lives forever. I guess for each of us we must know that destiny will bring us to where we have to go and the people that are put in our path  in our journey here on Earth are part of what makes up  our individual stories.

We would like to welcome “Lincoln” who is from Trinidad and his parents, siblings and extended family into our family. We wish you the very best on taking care of “Diana”(Guyana Girl) for the rest of her life. I am sure both of you will be very happy and your marriage will bring many blessings into your happy home in Orlando. We also love that the puppies, Buttercup & Maggie have found each other so they will never again be lonely. What a great story you have and I am happy to be sharing this with all of my readers that are interested in knowing what a Hindu(Guyanese) wedding is all about. It is a great time for family & friends to come together to celebrate one of the most important days of an Indian woman’s life. As Guyanese women know we play the roles of both “Hercules & Xena”, but have many hands like Mother Lakshmi,  we must be strong in order to maintain a household and a family. We are raised to take care of our husband & children as well as everyone else around us. It is a great joy to be able to plan your daughter or your son’s wedding day. In Indian traditions it is a 3 to 4 day event and people come from all over the country to take part in the celebration that will bring 2 people and 2 families together.

2323232327ffp433483enu3d32473e5343e243b3ewsnrcg3d323443a743c273a9nu0mrj7Well this weekend, Diana celebrated her 3 day wedding plus her birthday which was on Sunday (She is a Leap year baby) so it was not her real birthday, but her wedding was as real as it will ever be and she is very happy to have found the person she will share her life and dreams with. So here are some photos from a very memorable moment and we wish you “Diana & Lincoln” absolute happiness and joy as the two of you begin life as husband and wife and most importantly as a family.pict16131

For those of you that don’t understand the Indian rituals, I will explain some of the traditions. In the photo you will see “Diana” the day before the wedding where she is sitting and the women in the family are rubbing her skin with a special cleansing paste made of Turmeric spice, sandalwood paste and oils. This is anointed on her skin by each women in the family to bless and cleanse her before her marriage. I will give you the wedding rituals of the bride as you see the photos and understand our weddings are very unique and beautiful and very colorful to the eye.


pict16181This is my mom & dad…Maureen & Sonnypict16351pict16371pict16231pict16651pict16401pict16411pict16701pict16731pict16721pict15471…..and below is my Grandfather.





The Hindu marriage ceremony consists essentially of seven steps with seven vows taken in front of the (Agni) the fire. The fire is very sacred in the Hindu religion as it is considered to be the purifier. The flame of Agni represents the victory of light over darkness, knowledge over ignorance. The Hindu marriage ceremony is  conducted under a decorated canopy structure , called a Mandap. The bride’s Sari is red, since red is auspicious and symbolizes good luck.

Swagat is the welcoming  of the wedding party by the brides family.

Tilak (red powder dot) is applied by the brides family to the groom as a sign of honor and to welcome him.

Jay amala is the welcoming of the bride and groom by placing garlands on one another made of  fresh flowers under the mandap.

Ganesh pooja-the priest chants a prayer to Lord Ganesh the lord of affluence and obstacle removal , requesting him to remove any obstacles which may arise during the wedding ceremony. This is the first ritual in all of the Hindu ceremonies.

Kanyadaan is the giving away of the bride by the brides parents.

Hast Milap-The parents of the bride join the couple’s hands as the couple declare their heart’s have been united, and they vow to remain entirely devoted to each other. The groom assures the bride that she will always be respected and honored in their home.

Mangal Fera-The couple offers prayers to the fire, which represents God serving as the couple’s witness as the two are joined in marriage. Prayers are offered by placing ghee, rice and flowers in the flame. The couple then walk around the flame four times while holding hands.

Satapadi- A pink cloth is draped over the bride’s shoulders and tied to the groom’s shoulder cloth. Then the couple walk seven steps together, reciting vows which express:

Let us take the first step vowing to keep a pure household; avoiding things that will bring injury to our health.

Let us take the second step vowing to develop mental, physical, and spiritual powers.

Let us take the third step with the aim of increasing our wealth by righteous means.

Let us take the fourth step to acquire knowledge, happiness and harmony by mutual love and trust.

Let us take the fifth step to pray for virtuous, intelligent and courageous and loving children.

The sixth step is to attain self restraint and longevity.

The final seventh step is to vow that we will always remain true companions and life long partners.

Jalsinchanam-The priest sprinkles holy water onto the couple while praying and blessing them.

Rudaya Sparsha-The bride and groom touch each others forehead or heart symbolizing mutual love and affection.

Sindura Danam-The groom places vermilion (red powder) on the bride’s forehead and into her hair for long life for both. He also places the mangal sutra (sacred necklace) around the bride’s neck.

Prasad Khilana-The wedding is now celebrated. The bride’s mother brings some sweets for the couple. The bride and groom feed each other the sweets and then to the families.

Ashirvada (blessings) The religious part of the ceremony is the blessing of the priest. The relatives and friends join in to throw the rice and flowers on the couple and express good wishes. The newlyweds seek Ashirvada, the blessings from the priest and then the parents and elders, by bowing down and touching their feet.

The traditional Hindu wedding is a deeply meaningful and symbolic combination of rituals and traditions. It is a ceremony that is about 4000 years old. Each phase of the ceremony has a symbolic, philosophical and spiritual meaning. The ceremony not only joins the souls of the bride and groom but also creates a strong tie between two families. In Sanskrit the word for marriage is “Vivaha”, which means “What supports or carries”. The Vivaha ceremony is therefore a sacred ceremony meant to create a union that supports and carries a man and a woman throughout their married life in the pursuit of righteousness.

Guyana recipe……”Coconut Chutney”..by Mamas Veerasammy & Babalin Felton

229536_blog1My Aunt Babalin, who lives in Orlando Florida, sent me this recipe in honor of her mother “Mamas Veerasammy” (My Grandma) who passed away in 1995. This was one of her famous dishes that she made back home in “Guyana” as well as in “America”. There is nothing more delicious than the taste of back home food….like Guyanese people like to say.

We are going to give you a taste of some “Madras” cooking since my Grandmother was from a “Madras” household and married my Grandfather “Coopersammy Veerasammy” who also came from the same town in Guyana. They had 7 children, 6 girls and 1 boy………So hello to my Grandfather, and all of my Aunts & Uncle…..Mary, Maureen (My Mom), Amnie, Murlin, Babalin, Maulin, and my Uncle” Lenny”…..thanks for supporting the Guyana girl magazine.

“Mamas” Guyanese Coconut Chutney…

1 dry coconut

4 cloves of garlic

1 tablespoon of tamarind juice

pepper of your choice (hot)

salt to taste

Crack the coconut, remove the white meat of the coconut. Roast the coconut either in the oven, or on top of the stove. If you have a grill, you can wrap it in foil paper, and roast it there. Then chop up the coconut in small tiny pieces. In Guyana we use a special brick and stone method where we grind everything up. But if you do not have a Guyanese grinder, then you would place the coconut, the garlic cloves, pepper & salt, the tamarind juice into a food processor.Blend mixture and  spoon into a dish and serve….your friends have never tasted something like this (Very simple).

Mamas Veerasammy’s.(Eggplant Dish)…In loving memory of the good old days…Love your daughter……Babalin (Sandra) Felton

3719429_blog11 Eggplant

2 cups of Tamarind juice

1 cup of water

3 pieces of scallion

1 Onion

whole (Jeera) Indian store

1 plum tomato

pepper & salt to taste

Start by Roasting the Eggplant  in oven or on top of the stove, peel the skin after roasting (very easy to remove) mash it all up in a mixing bowl, combine tamarind juice, water, scallion, pepper and salt, mix like a batter. Heat skillet with a little bit of oil & fry Jeera (Spice) and onions for about 5 minutes. Dice up tomato and add to pot, let that cook for about 10 minutes. Put the eggplant mixture in the skillet, bring to a boil and turn off stove. To make it a complete meal eat it with Fried Fish & white rice……”Grandma we miss you so much and we all wish you were here to make all these wonderful Guyana dishes for us”…we love you…..XOXO..Sharon

Happy Valentine’s Day……..to all

2512939_blog1Happy Valentine’s Day” to all of my readers out there. This year the love holiday falls on a Saturday, so that means more time to celebrate over the weekend.

Valentine’s day, is a special day to share with not only your wife, husband, boyfriend or girlfriend but also all those around you like family, children and friends as well as those who have pets. We have a little guy “Frenchy” who is sure to get many kisses and dog treats for his Valentine’s day with us !so pick up the phone ,or send a card or an e-card to the people who are special in your life.

If you are lucky enough to have someone send you flowers or chocolates, then appreciate it. But if you don’t have someone sending you gifts on Valentine’s day, well then don’t worry! just buy yourself a box of chocolates or pick up a bunch of flowers and a bottle of champagne & celebrate with your good friends. The year is going so quickly  and pretty soon you will ask yourself  Where did the months go? so just take one day at a time and learn to just enjoy the moment especially all of the holidays that will be coming one after the other….remember” Valentine’s Day” for 2009 will( never return again )after  “Saturday” is over. So go out and celebrate, enjoy a nice lunch or dinner, catch a great movie and open up the box of chocolates and enjoy tasting the milk chocolate, dark chocolate, white chocolate, caramel, and truffles. But even if you get only a bag full of candy hearts and chocolate kisses…..then remember just to have fun on Valentine’s Day….smell the roses….put on your special lotions and perfumes..and have a great time.

Here is a fast & easy recipe  for your Valentine’s Day…….”Chocolate Mousse”

3161345_blog18 ounces of semisweet bakers chocolate

two ( 8 ounce containers of Cool Whip)



Place Chocolate in a large microwaveable bowl. Melt for about 2 minutes…stirring every 30 seconds. When Chocolate melts let it cool off to the side…..once cooled just add 1 cup of whipped topping and stir very quickly…..add the rest of the Cool Whip and fold into mixture………spoon into glasses or piping bag and extra Cool Whip on top….add toasted almonds or coconut …..if making for adults you can add a little liqueur of your choice to give it another taste……I am sure you will make this Chocolate Mousse on many more holidays or just when you are in the mood for something chocolate, sweet and creamy…..Enjoy